Koa Sports

Field Hockey Rec League

Girls Field Hockey League

Koa’s Field Hockey League provides an exciting intro to the sport of field hockey in a safe and fun environment. Expect the youngest levels of this program to be fun with some instruction, with players learning team camaraderie and sportsmanship. As players approach high school, expectations rise for increased focus and performance. When age and skill level increase, teams gel, on and off-field friendships form and meaningful field hockey memories are made.

FALL 2013 Field Hockey League
:  Girls in 2nd-8th grades
Dates: Sundays September 8, 15, 22, 29, October 6, 13, 20
Rain Make-Up October 27.
Times:  Games scheduled between
Location: TBD

League registration closes 8/21.  Contact Mindi / 301.785.0632 for available space or wait list info.

League Rules

Fall 2013 General Skills Clinic
Ages:  Girls in 2nd-8th grades
Updated Dates:  Weeks of September 9 – October 14th
(Mondays –  9/9, 9/16, 9/23, 9/30, 10/7, 10/14 – at Luxmanor 6201 Tilden Ln Rockville, MD)
(Wednesdays –  9/11, 9/18, 9/25, 10/2, 10/9, 10/16 – at Wood Acres 5800 Cromwell Drive Bethesda, MD)
Days:  You choose – register for Mondays or for Wednesdays
Cost: $125
Times: 5:45-6:45 pm
Monday Clinic Location:  Luxmanor ES
Wednesday Clinic Location: Woodacres ES

2nd-3rd Grade Koa Field Hockey League Learn the fundamentals of field hockey
in a safe and fun environment. Expect Koa
coaches to work on skills, but being positive
and focused on teamwork is their number 1 goal!
4th-5th Grade Koa Field Hockey League Emphasis on developing more skills and team
development while still keeping things fun!
6th-8th Grade Koa Field Hockey League Emphasis on increasing field hockey knowledge,
continued skill development and team building.
Preparing players for their High School JV teams.

Program Description: We’re hooked on hockey at Koa Sports!  Join our popular open registration “no cut” recreational league for girls in 2nd-8th grades.  Each team has an experienced Koa field hockey coach and all games have Koa referees.  Koa’s 7-week League is divided by age divisions with an instructional emphasis for games in the 2nd/3rd grade division.  Each week teams meet for a warm-up practice session with their coach plus the game.  Coaches will focus on one skill and one field hockey rule each week.  Some weeks, teams may have a double header.

Girls looking for more time on the field can register for an additional weekday skills clinic option! If you want to stay with your spring team, be sure to include that at the “Player Preference” prompt during registration.  Pre-formed teams and free agents are all welcome to play in the league! Girls need an outdoor stick and shinguards.   A mouth guard is required to participate and field hockey approved protective eye gear is optional.

2nd-3rd Grade 100% Koa Coached $199.00 $20 – jersey
$60 – league fee
$55 – field & administration fee
$64 – coaching & insurance fee
4th-8th Grade 100% Koa Coached $250.00 $20 – jersey
$90 – league fee
$70 – field & administration fee
$70 – coaching & insurance fee

Spring 2013 General Skills Clinic
Ages:  Girls in 2nd-8th grades
Dates:  Weeks of April 1st – May 13th
(Mondays – 4/1, 4/8, 4/15, 4/22, 4/29, 5/6, 5/13 – make up 5/20)
(Wednesdays – 4/3, 4/10, 4/17, 4/24, 5/1, 5/8, 5/15 – make up 5/22)
Days:  You choose – register for Mondays or for Wednesdays
Times: 6:30-7:30 pm
Monday Clinic Location:  Cabin John LP (7401 MacArthur Boulevard Cabin John, MD 20818)
Wednesday Clinic Location: Carderock Springs ES (7401 Persimmon Tree Ln  Bethesda, MD 20817)

Changing Kids’ Lives Through Sports