Koa Sports

From Infants to Athletes – Watching Your Children Grow

One of the greatest joys of raising children (and perhaps, too, one of the most underappreciated) is when your child has matured to the point that they can partake in team sports and have the confidence to make independent athletic decisions – whether that means taking shots or assisting a teammate or two. It’s at this point in the child’s life when, as a parent, you can really see your children begin to take control and immerse themselves in the world as individuals. Your daughter is no longer struggling to put words together to awkwardly communicate her thoughts; in the past are the times she clumsily attempts to place her left foot in front of her right and walk in a straight line. Instead, she’s jumping around, kicking the ball left and right, exclaiming passionately to her teammates in ways that just a few years ago you couldn’t have possibly imagined.

It’s so important for the relationship between parent and child that the parent has time to attend these events and watch as their children grow into skilled and courageous athletes. It’s almost instinctual for a child to immediately glance at the bleachers at their parents after they score a goal or make a basket, just to be sure mom and dad experienced that proud moment with them.

It’s a dismal coincidence, then, that these years just happen to align for many parents with the development of cataracts. Right as you get the opportunity to see the wide grin on your child’s face as the ball releases from his foot and darts past the goalie, fate spites you with vision impairment. The good news is, we live in a time where cataracts no longer have to be an issue. Top cataract surgeons in Washington DC are here to assure that you don’t miss out on your children’s athletic journey. It can already be hard enough to make it to your son’s football game when so many responsibilities and commitments are involved. Luckily, the surgery is a simple procedure that doesn’t require a large time commitment. If you think you may have a cataract, don’t allow yourself to miss out on this extremely important time in your child’s life. Contact the best Washington DC cataract surgeons as soon as you can.

Your support is exceptionally crucial for your children’s development as athletes. At KOA sports, we love to see parents make an effort to be at as many games as possible. We know as well that some parents just aren’t as fortunate and can’t make it to every game. That’s why at KOA we foster an environment of constant encouragement, from both teammates and coaches.

