Koa Sports

When Second Place is Incredible

Happy Monday — which means another opportunity for me to write about youth sports trends and what I saw over the weekend.

I always like looking at the silver lining and I got to again after a Koa Baseball Team unfortunately lost a championship game yesterday and took second place. However, there are so many positives from yesterday’s outcome, and there is one in particular I am most proud of.

This travel baseball team has been together for roughly three years, and their first season they did not win a game. In their first double header they were mercy ruled 44-0 and 37-0, double ouch! I promised them things would get better; I wasn’t really going out on a limb there, as it was nearly impossible to do worse. But within this promise, we had a plan on how to improve, and came up with tangible goals.

First and foremost we needed to improve our catch/throw skills. As we focused on these skills we celebrated small victories. First was making a routine play, which turned into a scoreless inning, then morphed into a scoreless three innings, and on and on.

These small and easy to measure goals helped us earn a chance to play for a championship yesterday. I was most proud of these kids last night after the defeat, when a parent and player both said “remember our first season,” they have come a long way. Sometimes second place isn’t so bad.
