Koa Sports

The Difference in Coaches

Coaches are like shoes. They come in all different shapes and sizes, they provide different benefits and while their appearances often vary, they all serve the same purpose: to provide support, stability and protection. However, there is one large distinction between coaches and shoes (besides the smell that accrues over time), coaches go that extra step further, pun very much intended, by guiding and teaching those that they are connected to. You will experience a myriad of coaches and coaching styles throughout your athletic career, some will be similar while others will be completely unique, regardless of these changes a coach’s goal will continually mirror your own: success of the individual and achievement of the team.

To extrapolate on this idea, it is important to distinguish what type of coaches you will most likely encounter during your time on the court. First and foremost, there is the vocal coach. This coaching style is probably the most prevalent in all sports. A vocal coach does exactly what the name suggests; they vocalize all opinions, emotions, strategies and tutelage. At times a vocal coach can appear intimidating, but they strive for the same results and accomplishments as every player on their team. They just happen to be a little louder about it.

Another coach that is often seen in conjunction with a vocal coach is the visual coach. A visual coach and a vocal coach aren’t necessarily mutually exclusive, though it is important to explain how the two coaching styles differ. Like a vocal coach, a visual coach’s teaching style is pretty obvious. This type of coach prefers to instruct his or her players by demonstrating moves, plays, skills, techniques etc. by performing them first hand. A visual coach is not afraid to step onto the court and show the team exactly what they should be doing and how they should be doing it. Though they do make sure not to get too physically involved in the midst of game for that wouldn’t go over too well with the officials.

Lastly, one could possibly experience the quiet coach. This type of coach is rather unique because a “quiet coach” seems like a pretty big oxymoron. However, this counterintuitive coaching style dictates positive results just as often as any of the other aforementioned teaching types. A quiet coach might speak minimally, but what he or she says holds an exceptional amount of weight. Coaches that teach in this manner only say what they believe to be of the utmost importance and that will make the biggest impact. They don’t allow themselves to fall victim to excessive talking; rather what they say is concise, to the point and should never be dismissed or ignored. This style of coaching can at times be intimidating like a vocal coach’s actions, but their purpose never falters.

Although no one would be quick to describe a shoe as “vocal” the metaphor between coaches and footwear remains an apt comparison. A coach, like a shoe, might have a novel feel or interesting look, but the end goal unwaveringly endures. You might have to adjust to a new coach, nevertheless, you will ultimately discover the support, stability and guidance you need to go that extra mile on the court.
