Koa Sports

Boys Flag Football FAQs

Koa Maryland & Washington, DC Kids Flag Football League FAQs


Q. Who can play in the Koa Flag Football League?
A. Anyone in grades K-12th grade can play in one of our Fall Flag Football Leagues. We’re offering a Boys Saturday League and a Boys Sunday League for grades 2-8 and K-1, a Girls League for grades K-8 and a boys High School League. Within the leagues, teams will be divided by age groups except in the High School League.

Q. What are the Boys Flag Football League coaching options?
A. In the Koa Flag Football League we offer a 2-tiered coaching option for all players and teams.

  • Option #1) The team pays a per/player fee to participate in the Koa Flag Football League (includes ref fees, flag equipment, game balls, jerseys, insurance, field fees). A team parent handles the practice and game coaching. Pre-formed teams are highly encouraged. Suggested practice plans are provided. All parent coaches must follow the Code of Conduct
  • Option #2) The team pays a per/player fee to participate in the Boys Flag Football League (includes ref fees, flag equipment, jerseys, insurance, field fees). A professional Koa coach handles the games, and the pre-game practices. (LIMITED SPACE AVAILABLE).

Q. What is the cost of the Fall 2012 Fall Flag Football League?
A. Here’s our flag cost chart:

koa sports Fall 2012 Flag Football Cost Chart

Age Group Options Cost
Grades K-1 Option 1 – Parent Coached
Option 2 – Koa Coached
Option 1 – $99.00
Option 2 – $160.00
Grades 2-8 Option 1 – Parent Coached
Option 2 – Koa Coached
Option 1 – $150.00
Option 2 – $250.00

Q. How can I register for a Flag Football Team?
A. It’s easy to register for a Koa Flag team. Go to the website, www.KoaSports.org and click on the registration tab or simply click here to register. Register for the Saturday League or the Sunday League. Pre-formed teams are highly encouraged. Players may also sign up individually and we will place you on an age-appropriate team subject to availability. REGISTRATION CLOSES MIDNIGHT MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 24TH!

Q. What day are League games?
A. You can choose — register for our Saturday League or our Sunday League!

Q. What’s the best way to learn about the program?
A. Check out our online video from past seasons!

Q. Who are the Koa coaches and what is their role?
A. Many of our coaches are former collegiate athletes (check out the staff bios). For Koa-coached Option #2 teams, the Koa coaches will run the 30 minutes practice immediately before the game and coach the games. We often use a parent to assist the Koa coach with player rotations and keeping track of plays. All teams will provide a PM (Parent Manager). Here’s a link to the PM Guidelines.

Q. Will each Koa-coached team be assigned a permanent coach?
A. Barring a conflict, Koa-coached teams will have the same coach most weeks – but it will not be every week. There will be some rotation.

Q. Will teams have practices? How long are practices and games?
A. Our K-8 Flag Football Teams times will meet once a week for a pre-game practice session. The practice session will last for 1/2 hour immediately before the game starts. Koa has practice plans available for parent-coached teams. Of course teams are also free to hold their own parent-run practices during the week as they see fit . Koa can provide a practice plan for any team wishing to hold extra parent-run practices. Games last about an hour.

Q. Will there be a pre-season training camp option?
A. Yes – all players are welcome to register for the 3 week pre-season flag football training camp. Koa coaches run the camp and work on skills and drills to get ready for the fall season. Camp is open for kids in grades 2nd-8th grades and starts Saturday, September 22. Here’s the link for more info!

Q. When and where will you have games and practices?
A. Games will take place on Saturdays or Sundays at fields in the Bethesda, Potomac, and Rockville area. Saturday start times usually range from 9:00am to 6:00pm and Sunday start times range between noon and 6:00pm. We will provide the first two weeks of the game schedule at the beginning of the season once we receive the field permits. The first two weeks will used for evaluating teams. The remainder of the schedule will be published before the 3rd week of games. Game fields will also be announced as soon as we get our assignments.

Q. How many players are on a team and does everyone get equal playing time?
A. Each team will have a roster of roughly 10 players. Because we are playing 7 on 7, our roster size will allow for absences and appropriate substitutions. In the Koa Boys Flag Football League, every player will have the opportunity for playing time.

Q. Will teams always play within their age groups?
A. Our goal is to have teams play other teams within 1 grade level so that players aren’t playing up or down more than 1 year.

Q. Will the games have referees?
A. Yes! All Koa Fall Flag Football League games will have 2 trained referees to manage the game and ensure that play is fair, safe and the rules are followed. 2012 Koa Flag Football Rules

Q. How big are the fields?
A. The size of the fields depends on the age group. For the K-1 League, fields are approximately 35 yards by 24 yards. In the 2nd-8th grade league fields are approximately 70 yards by 35 yards.

Q. When does Koa permit a player to be the QB?
A. At the 2nd and 3rd grade level, we have coaches QB (except a coach may permit a player to play QB). At all levels above 3rd grade, it’s all player QBs.

Q. What is different in the K-1st grade League?
A. The K-1st grade league has more emphasis on instruction with the first two weeks focused on teaching the kids how to play the game. After that time the teams transition into regular games with an instructional component. We will have practice plans available for parent-coached teams. The K-1st grade league is 6 weeks long.

Q. Does the Koa League have standings and where can we find them?
A. Yes, after the first two weeks, we will publish the game results on Team Snap.

Q. Are there playoffs?
A. Yep – we have single elimination playoffs for the 2nd-8th grade league! Playoffs take place the weekend of December 1-2. Saturday teams will have playoff games on Saturday and if they advance also on Sunday. Sunday teams will only play on Sunday. Playoff games fields are TBD.

Q. How can I learn about the Koa Flag Football League rules?
A. Here is a link to the PDF of the 2012 Koa Flag Football Rules

Q. What equipment will I need to buy?
A. Koa Sports will provide all the field equipment such as flags, game balls, etc. Each registered player will get a Koa jersey to wear at all the games. Mouth guards and cleats are highly recommended.

Q. What if I have to withdraw from the League?
A. There will be no team/league refunds given to any individual player who withdraws after the published registration deadline. If an additional replacement player can be found to take the spot of a withdrawing player, Koa will be able to refund league fees minus a 20% administrative fee. The administrative fee covers among other things, time spent (1) contacting new payers, (2) adjusting rosters, (3) replacement uniforms.

Q. How long is the 2nd-8th Grade Fall Flag Football season?
A. The 2nd-8th Grade Fall 2012 Boys Flag Football season is 7 weeks long and will begin the weekend of October 13-14 and end the weekend of December 1-2 with our playoff games. There will be no games on Thanksgiving weekend.

Q. How long is the K-1st Grade Fall Flag Football season?
A. The K-1st Grade Fall 2011 Boys Flag Football season is 6 weeks long and will begin the weekend of October 13-14 and end the weekend of November 17-18.