Koa Sports

Load N’ Explode Power Hitting Clinic (8-14U)

Load N' Explode Power Hitting Clinic

The purpose of this 3-month intermediate program (led by Tom Benedetto) is to teach the fundamentals of hitting. Players will be combining rotational and linear styles of hitting to create short swings that are powerful. We will also focus on using the pitcher to provide power, not just ourselves.
DAY/TIME: Mondays 4-5 pm for 8-11U, 5-6 pm for 12-14U
INSTRUCTOR(S): Tom Benedetto
CAPACITY: 6 athletes p/class
COMPONENTS: Multiple stations, live BP, pitching machine, video analysis
BENEFITS: Small group instruction from a professional instructor, variety, lots of reps
FREQUENCY: Classes meet once per week
STARTS: September 14th
ENDS: December 7th
COST: $750

Click Here to Register

Koa Sports League -- Shaping Kids' Lives Through Sports

Coach Tom Benedetto

Director, Baseball Operations
I’m happy to answer any questions you have about our Load N' Explode Power Hitting program! Just shoot me an email (tom@koasports.org).
Koa’s Indoor Training Facility and Headquarters includes a batting cage with a pitching machine and throwing lane with raised mounds or throw-down rubber; a workout area with aerobic equipment, resistance bands, light weights, etc; a video analysis lounge with a wall-mounted LCD screen, Apple TV setup, desktop computer station, refrigerator, and a sofa.