Koa Sports

Baseball FAQs

Travel Baseball FAQs

What is the cost of the Koa Travel Teams?

The cost of the Spring 2014 team is $990 for the 9U age $1,095 for 10U age $1,195 for 11U-12U ages $1,250 for 13U-14U ages

What is included in the cost?

League and umpire fees, game uniforms (Koa jersey, white pants, a hat, socks, a belt, and a practice shirt), coaching/insurance fees, field maintenance and facility rental fees, equipment, and a game forfeit fee deposit ($20 – refundable). Players must also purchase a player pack item. The cost of the player pack is approximately $50.00 and is included in the total cost quoted above.

Do I need to try out for Travel?

Yes, we will be holding age specific tryouts. After try outs, players will receive a team assignment. For the 10U and 11U age groups, they will receive a team assignment for either our travel team(s) or for our BABL. The specific BABL teams will not be drafted until this December. *This is not an open registration league*

What equipment do I need for travel baseball?

All you need is a glove, bat, cleats, helmet, and catcher’s equipment if you are a catcher.

How many days a week do Travel players need to commit?

Three. Players will have two (1.5 hour) practices/week. Games will be double-headers on Saturdays or Sundays (NVTBL), depending on the age group.

Where will the games and practices take place?

Our travel teams play in the NVTBL (Northern Virginia Travel Baseball League). They have games at our “home” fields in the Bethesda, Potomac, Rockville area or at an opponent’s field in Northern Virginia. They will practice at our local Bethesda, Potomac, Rockville fields.

Can I play up an age group? Can I play down an age group?

Following tryouts, players will receive their team assignments. If we feel a player is a better fit at a higher age group, we will place them accordingly. We will not have players “play-down” unless one of our travel teams is short on players.

Can I make sure that my friends are on my team?

The teams will be determined by our Koa coaches and administration following tryouts.

Can I play on a Travel team AND on another team?

Koa expects that travel baseball will be the primary athletic commitment for the season. We totally understand about family trips and schoolwork, but we are not lenient about missing travel baseball for another sport or team.

Who is eligible to play in this league?

9U-14U players are eligible for this league. Players should use their oldest age before April 30th to determine their age group.

How many games will these teams play?

Travel will play 16-20 games.

Who are the coaches? What is a Koa Core-Value coach?

We will provide our Koa Core-Value Coaches. Each travel team will have a head Koa-coach. These are our coaches who have been chosen based on their ability to exemplify our core values (positive, dedicated, team-first, fun). They have all passed a background check and we have taken them through an extensive coach training. Many of our coaches have also attended our yearly Positive Coaching Alliance meetings.

How many coaches will be at games? Practices?

Teams will each have a Koa head coach. When possible, we will try to have two coaches at our travel games. For practices, we will also use the 1.5 model (average 1.5 coaches per event).

Will each team be assigned a permanent coach?

Barring a conflict, Koa-coached teams will have the same coach most weeks – but it will not be every week. There will be some rotation. Assistant coaches will rotate frequently.

Are there mandatory winter workouts for Travel teams? What will it cost?

Yes. This is a perfect time for players to work on their skills.

What if my athlete is not able to make a practice? I heard that Koa players (Travel) are allowed to attend another practice … is that true?

Yes! If a player has a conflict with a practice, that player is permitted to attend another practice that same week on an age-appropriate team (we will send this information out once practice schedules are finalized). We understand that kids are busy and conflicts arise. If your player will be attending another practice you must notify Koa in advance.

How is playing time determined in travel baseball?

Playing time will be determined by effort, attitude, and attendance. Of course, during practices there will be equal time spent on all players, irrespective of whether that player is a “starter.” For games, we play double headers. One game is to win and the other game is for player development. All players on the roster hit during the games.

Can players play in both leagues (BABL and Travel)?


What if I have to withdraw from my travel team?

There will be no team/league refunds given to any individual player who withdraws after the published registration deadline. If an additional replacement player can be found to take the spot of a withdrawing player, we will be able to refund league fees minus a 20% administrative fee. The administrative fee covers among other things, time spent (1) contacting new payers, (2) adjusting rosters, (3) notifying host league, and (4) hosting a new tryout. If we are unable to find a replacement player you will receive credit (minus the administrative fee) toward a future Koa program.

What dates will the season run?

The travel season will run 11 weeks (mid March – early June).

What is the commitment for Travel?

There is only a one-season commitment (i.e., Fall or Spring).

What are Koa’s pitching guidelines?

Safety is the top criteria guiding our pitching decisions. The well-being of our athletes is the number one concern at Koa. 1. If at any point a pitcher is feeling pain, irrespective of the pitch count, he will be removed from the mound. This also applies even if the pitcher is in the middle of an at-bat. 2. We look to many respected organizations for guidance on pitch count limitations and rest. These include, but are not limited to, Little League and ASMI. It should be noted that these two organizations differ on pitch count limitations. We do not follow the specific mandates of any organization; instead, we place great emphasis on the individual player. For example, in 2011 Little League allows a 13 year old pitcher to throw 95 pitches per day. For some 13 year old pitchers, this may be appropriate; for others, only 50 pitches may be appropriate. 3. Koa takes into account many factors, including the type of pitches being thrown (i.e., fast balls versus breaking balls, etc.), the visible fatigue of the pitcher, other positions the pitcher has played (i.e., a “throwing” position such as catcher versus a receiving position such as first base), the biomechanics of the pitcher’s motion, and the pitcher’s past performance and speed of recovery. 4. Parents should understand what pain/discomfort means to a pitcher. Some pain/discomfort, for example, is simply an indicator of the muscles growing and developing. Other pain/discomfort, however, is indicative of an injury. Location, duration, and severity all play a role. 5. Pitchers at all ages are expected to take appropriate post-pitching steps to minimize injury (i.e., ice their arms, run to flush l actic acid, etc.). 6. The NVTBL is currently exploring implementing a pitch count, or innings, limit. If they decide on a new policy, all of our teams playing in that league will follow their guidelines.


What is the cost for Bethesda Aces Baseball League?

The BABL will cost $750.

What is included in the cost?

League and umpire fees, game uniforms – jersey, gray pants, a hat, socks, belt, and practice shirt, coaching/insurance fees, field maintenance and facility rental fees, and equipment.

Do I need to try out for BABL teams?

Yes, we will be holding age specific tryouts. After try outs, players will receive a team assignment.*This is not an open registration league*

What equipment do I need for the BABL?

All you need is a glove, bat, cleats, helmet, and catcher’s equipment if you are a catcher.

How many days a week do BABL players need to commit?

Three. Teams will have one (1.5 hour) team practice/week, one (1.5 hour) Thursday skills clinic/week (occasional Thursday game in lieu of the clinic), and Saturday games (occasional double-headers).

Where will the games and practices take place?

The BABL will use local fields and parks (Bethesda, Potomac, Rockville) for practices, clinics, and Thursday games. Most Saturday games will be at Cabin John Regional Park.

Why would we have a clinic and not practice with my team?

Each team will have one team practice per week. Some Thursdays, all teams will attend a clinic. Other weeks, there will be Thursday games – this is to make sure we can get as many games in as possible. During the clinics we will offer hitting, pitching, catching, and fielding. This will be the players’ chance to really work on their development as a baseball player. Working on specialized skills is often difficult in a team practice environment and we really want to put an emphasis on player development.

Can I make sure that my friends are on my team?

The teams will be drafted by our Koa coaches and administration following tryouts. Our goal is to find a competitive balance between teams!

Can I play on a BABL team AND on another team?

Koa expects that BABL baseball will be the primary athletic commitment for the season. We totally understand about family trips and schoolwork, but we are not lenient about missing BABL baseball for another sport or team.

Who is eligible to play in this league?

10U/11U players are eligible for this league. Players should use their oldest age before April 30th to determine their age group.

How many games will these teams play?

BABL will play 10-12 games (including playoffs/championship). We will also have an all-star game!

Who are the coaches? What is a Koa Core-Value coach?

We will provide our Koa Core-Value Coaches. Each BABL team will have a head Koa-coach and require a Parent Assistant Coach. These are our coaches who have been chosen based on their ability to exemplify our core values (positive, dedicated, team-first, fun). They have all passed a background check and we have taken them through an extensive coach training. Many of our coaches have also attended our yearly Positive Coaching Alliance meetings.

How many coaches will be at games? Practices?

Teams will each have a Koa head coach. For the BABL, teams will have a head coach coaching third base, and a Parent Assistant Coach helping out at first base. When possible, we will try to have two coaches at our BABL games as well. For practices, we will also use the 1.5 model.

Will each team be assigned a permanent coach?

Barring a conflict, Koa-coached teams will have the same coach most weeks – but it will not be every week. There will be some rotation. Assistant coaches will rotate frequently.

Are there mandatory winter workouts for BABL teams? What will it cost?

Yes. This is a perfect time for players to work on their skills.

What if my athlete is not able to make a practice? I heard that Koa players (BABL) are allowed to attend another practice … is that true?

Yes! If a player has a conflict with a practice, that player is permitted to attend another practice that same week on an age-appropriate team (we will send this information out once practice schedules are finalized). We understand that kids are busy and conflicts arise. If your player will be attending another practice you must notify Koa in advance.

How is playing time determined in the BABL?

In the BABL, each player will be in the batting order. Each player must play at least 3 innings (unless there is a mercy rule). Players cannot sit out more than 2 consecutive innings. Playing time will be determined by effort, attitude, and attendance. Of course, during practices there will be equal time spent on all players, irrespective of whether that player is a “starter.

Can players play in both leagues (BABL and Travel)?


What if I have to withdraw from the BABL?

There will be no team/league refunds given to any individual player who withdraws after the published registration deadline. If an additional replacement player can be found to take the spot of a withdrawing player, we will be able to refund league fees minus a 20% administrative fee. The administrative fee covers among other things, time spent (1) contacting new payers, (2) adjusting rosters, (3) notifying host league, and (4) hosting a new tryout. If we are unable to find a replacement player you will receive credit (minus the administrative fee) toward a future Koa program.

What dates will the season run?

The BABL will run 10 weeks (late March – early June). The BABL will have an all-star game and playoffs/championship.

What is the commitment for BABL?

There is only a one-season commitment (i.e., Fall or Spring).

What are Koa’s pitching guidelines?

Safety is the top criteria guiding our pitching decisions. The well-being of our athletes is the number one concern at Koa. 1. If at any point a pitcher is feeling pain, irrespective of the pitch count, he will be removed from the mound. This also applies even if the pitcher is in the middle of an at-bat. 2. We look to many respected organizations for guidance on pitch count limitations and rest. These include, but are not limited to, Little League and ASMI. It should be noted that these two organizations differ on pitch count limitations. We do not follow the specific mandates of any organization; instead, we place great emphasis on the individual player. For example, in 2011 Little League allows a 13 year old pitcher to throw 95 pitches per day. For some 13 year old pitchers, this may be appropriate; for others, only 50 pitches may be appropriate. 3. Koa takes into account many factors, including the type of pitches being thrown (i.e., fast balls versus breaking balls, etc.), the visible fatigue of the pitcher, other positions the pitcher has played (i.e., a “throwing” position such as catcher versus a receiving position such as first base), the biomechanics of the pitcher’s motion, and the pitcher’s past performance and speed of recovery. 4. Parents should understand what pain/discomfort means to a pitcher. Some pain/discomfort, for example, is simply an indicator of the muscles growing and developing. Other pain/discomfort, however, is indicative of an injury. Location, duration, and severity all play a role. 5. Pitchers at all ages are expected to take appropriate post-pitching steps to minimize injury (i.e., ice their arms, run to flush lactic acid, etc.).

Spartan FAQs

What is the cost of the Koa Spartan Teams?

See our Cost Chart below. Please note, in both options, players are required to purchase a player pack for game jerseys and a hat and that is included in the total fee. Rookie T-Ball League (Pre-K – K) – Option 1: $125 Big 10 League (Koa Coach Pitch: Grades K-1st) – Option 1: $129 ACC League (Machine Pitch: Grades 2nd – 3rd) Option 1 – $135 Option 2 – $235 Ivy League (Intro. to Kid Pitch: Grades 3rd – 4th) Option 1 – $150 Option 2 – $250

What is included in the cost?

Option 1: Uniform, league fee, insurance fee. Option 2: Uniform, league fee, insurance fee, coaching fee. Do I need to try out for a Spartan League team? No, this is an open registration league for all age groups.

What equipment do I need for the Spartan League?

All you need is baseball pants (gray preferred), rubber cleats, a bat, and a glove. We will provide game jerseys, baseball hat, practice shirts, and all other practice/game equipment.

How many days a week do Spartan players need to commit?

T-Ball/Big 10: One day/week ACC/Ivy: Option 1 – Two days/week. One mid-week team practice, Sunday game (occasional double-header) Option 2 – Two days/week. One mid-week Koa-coached clinic, Sunday game (occasional double-header) *Option 2 teams may have an additional practice based on parent-coach preferences.

Where will the practices/clinics and games be held?

Spartan League practices, clinics, and games will be held at schools and local parks in the Bethesda, Potomac, Rockville area.

Why do you offer clinics and not team practices for option 2 teams?

We believe that clinics allow players to get the number of repetitions necessary to advance in skill level. The players will get a chance to work on all aspects of the game at these clinics. There will be very little standing around in these fast-paced, fun-filled skills clinics.

Can I make sure that my friends are on my team?

Pre-formed teams are highly encouraged here at Koa. Be sure to include friends’ names at the player preference prompt during registration if you wish to be placed together.

How are teams formed?

First and foremost, a pre-formed team is kept together as long as they provide a full roster. Then, we split players by option (#1 or #2). We then move on to friend requests, and place athletes together by player preference. Priority number 3 is practice day preference listed during sign-ups. Lastly, we look at school/geographic location. Please be sure to indicate any placement requests at the “Player Preferences” prompt during registration.

I’m a parent coach – but I’d like to bring my entire team into the Spartan program. Is that possible?

Absolutely! Our Option 1 model may be just what you are looking for. Also, if you’d like to attend Koa-coached clinics (Option 2 for ACC/Ivy Leagues) you may still act as the Parent Assistant Coach. This person will help with practices/clinics, and will coach the team during games.

What is a Koa Core-Value coach? How many will be at the ACC/Ivy clinics?

These are our coaches who have been hired based on their ability to exemplify our core values (positive, dedicated, team-first, fun). They have all passed an extensive background check and we have taken them through coach training. Many of our coaches have also attended our yearly Positive Coaching Alliance meetings. We will have 1.5 coaches per team at the clinics.

Are there winter workouts for Spartan League teams?

No, there is nothing mandatory. We do offer pitching, hitting, and catching clinics, academies, and private lessons for an additional charge.

How long is the season?

T-Ball/Big 10 – 6 weeks (and a rain-out date) starting in early April and ending in mid-May. ACC/Ivy – 7 weeks (and a rain-out date) starting in early April and ending late May.

What if I have to withdraw from the Spartan League?

There will be no team/league refunds given to any individual player who withdraws after the published registration deadline. If an additional replacement player can be found to take the spot of a withdrawing player, we will be able to refund league fees minus a 20% administrative fee. The administrative fee covers among other things, time spent (1) contacting new payers, (2) adjusting rosters, and (3) re-ordering uniforms. If we are unable to find a replacement player you will receive credit (minus the administrative fee) toward a future Koa program.

How is playing time determined in the Koa Spartan League?

Each player should expect to sit no more than 2 innings per game. Teams will be required to ensure there is an equitable rotation in all games (everyone will bat).

What are Koa’s pitching guidelines?

Safety is the uppermost criteria guiding our pitching decisions. The well-being of our athletes is the number one concern at Koa. 1. If at any point a pitcher is feeling pain, irrespective of the pitch count, he will be removed from the mound. This also applies even if the pitcher is in the middle of a batter. 2. We look to different respected organizations for guidance on pitch counts and rest limitations. These include, but are not limited to, Little League and ASMI. It should be noted that these two organizations differ on pitch count limitations. We do not follow the specific mandates of any organization; instead, we place great emphasis on the individual player. For example, in 2011 Little League allows a 13 year old pitcher to throw 95 pitches per day. For some 13 year old pitchers, this may be appropriate; for others, only 50 pitches may be appropriate. 3. Koa takes into account many factors, including the type of pitches being thrown (i.e., fast balls versus breaking balls, etc.), the visible fatigue of the pitcher, other positions the pitcher has played (i.e., a “throwing” position such as catcher versus a receiving position such as first base), the biomechanics of the pitcher’s motion, and the pitcher’s past performance and speed of recovery. 4. Parents should understand what pain/discomfort means to a pitcher. Some pain/discomfort, for example, is simply an indicator of the muscles growing and developing. Other pain/discomfort, however, is indicative of an injury. Location, duration, and severity all play a role. 5. Pitchers at all ages are expected to take appropriate post-pitching steps to minimize injury (i.e., ice their arms, run to flush lactic acid, etc.).