Koa Sports

Multisport Summer Camp Week 8

Mulitsport Camp Week 8: 8/16- 8/20/2021

Koa Families,
As we head into the second half of August, let’s recap all of the fun activities Multisport campers participated in this past week!


“World Cup” was back in action this week with a new variety of teams. While only countries were previously allowed to compete, US states gained entry into the camp tournament this past week. Arizona and Illinois became the first two states to ever compete in “World Cup” at Multisport camp. Both teams made it all the way to the finals before losing to Russia.


As you can see from the picture below, handball requires both teamwork, defense, and quick decision-making. For those that have never played, handball is a team sport in which two teams of seven players each pass a ball using their hands with the aim of throwing it into the goal of the opposing team.


Like street hockey, dodgeball has been a camp staple since the first session in June. Part of what makes this game so fun is that all of Koa Camp participates! From campers to CIT’s to counselors, the competitive yet fun atmosphere is what has kept this game a hit in Multisport camp throughout the entire summer!

Whiffle Ball

One would’ve thought it was the Home Run Derby the way Multisport campers were hitting home runs this week in wiffle ball. Campers and counselors combined the short dimensions of the tennis court with spectacular hitting to create high-scoring games all week, which was obviously a ton of fun for everyone involved (except the pitchers).


Street Hockey

While there have been many new sports introduced throughout the summer at Multisport camp, street hockey has been one of the few that have been at camp the entire summer. “It’s been really fun,” counselor Dylan said. “It’s fast-paced, exciting, and the campers really love it.”

Tennis Baseball

It’s not Koa Multisport camp without tennis baseball; a favorite among campers. The Nationals’ two game sweep of the Blue Jays this past week inspired campers to swing for the fences like Juan Soto. 

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Counselor of the Week: Jack Linde

Jack has been with Koa for over ten years! He has moved up the ranks from being a multisport camper to a CIT to now a counselor at Multisport camp. Jack also played in Koa’s Travel Baseball program for many years before playing four years at Walter Johnson High School.
“I loved all my teammates,” Jack said of his Koa Travel baseball days. “I loved the coaches, they were all great and I definitely credit them for a lot of my success in high school.”
As a counselor, Jack wants to pass on his passion for sports to his campers.
“I want to inspire athletes to love the games I loved as a kid,” Jack said. “I want to pass it on to the next generation so we can keep making more memories through sports.”