Koa Sports

MLB Home Run Derby Jr.


2018 MLB Home Run Derby Jr.

Koa Sports

Want to participate in the sanctioned MLB Home Run Derby?
JrHRD provides youngsters 14 and under an opportunity to participate in an exciting, free, home run derby competition.
Our local event is individually scored and the winners advance to one of eight (8) Regional Competitions. Regional Champions will advance and compete in the National Home Run Derby Finals during Major League Baseball All-Star Week.
To participate, please fill out the form by clicking here. Please present the registration form at your Local Jr. Home Run Derby Competition (see below). Additionally, all participants must provide a copy of a valid birth document for age verification.

WHEN: Saturday June 9th
WHERE: Cabin John Regional Field #5
TIME: 10:00am-12:00pm
AGES: 12U (born on or after July 18, 2005) &
14U (born between July 18, 2003 - July 17, 2005)
**Participants must provide a copy of a valid birth document for age verification** 
Winners will advance to regional competition in Philadelphia on July 1st with the opportunity to compete in the finals at Nationals Park prior to the MLB Home run derby during All-star weekend in Washington DC!
For more information, please click here.


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