In the past 30 years, childhood obesity rates have tripled. That’s right, tripled. That means one in every three kids in America is suffering from obesity. A lot of this is due to huge lifestyle changes that have accrued over multiple decades—changes including: accessibility/affordability of fast food, advancements in technology (practically every 5 year old knows how to program their own Android) and less participation in after-school activities, most notably, in sports.
According to a study done by the Aspen Institute from 2008 to 2013 roughly 2.6 million kids aged 6-12, have stopped their athletic involvement. That’s the equivalent to every single resident in Nevada collectively ceasing to participate in sports over a span of 5 years! These numbers are disheartening, but the solution certainly isn’t.
In recent years, two influential campaigns have been developed in order to reverse the trend of childhood obesity and to urge kids to become more active. First, Michelle Obama’s “Let’s Move!” campaign and second, the NFL’s Play 60 initiative—two brilliant ideas that manifested because of a not-so-brilliant problem in America. Koa, in conjunction with the missions of the Let’s Move! and Play 60 campaigns, wants to encourage all kids to get out and play. As mentioned in last week’s blog post, the sport you choose doesn’t matter as long as you’re happy, healthy and active.
At Koa, we are committed to shaping young people’s lives through sports (as you might have heard once or twice before). With this mission in mind, we want to help to improve every kid both as an athlete and as a person. By encouraging our community’s youth to participate in a wide array of sports, we are all helping to reverse this harmful trend and having lots of fun while doing so!
We have the resources to help, but we need the participation to truly make a difference. Parents, while there is a lot of onus on you to make sure your kids are active and healthy, Koa is here to make things easier—a lot easier. So get up and get active, you won’t regret it!