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Summer Day Camp Gaithersburg MD

Summer Day Camp Gaithersburg MD

summer day camp Gaithersburg MD - Baseball on the Pitchers MoundThere is no better place for young athletes to stay active, learn new skills, and make new friends that a summer day camp in Gaithersburg MD. One of the best places for this is a sports camp. Sports camp is a great alternative to just having your children hang around the house, surf YouTube, and complained that there’s nothing to do during the summer.

Summer camps are an extensive business and the number of choices and sports camps can be pretty overwhelming. Not only do camps exist for every sport imaginable, they also vary widely in cost and aim. So, in order to pick the right sports camp for your young athlete, ask yourself some questions.

Questions to Ask Before Choosing a Sports Summer Camp 

Before you decide on any sports camp, here are some of the following questions you should ask yourself. 

What Kind of Summer Camp is Appropriate? 

Sport camps range and focus from casual fun to extreme specialization. You should talk to your child and take their interest and ability levels and consideration when finding the right camp category to place them in. Here are some of the most common categories:


Who’s In Charge? 

After you have determined what type of camp environment is best, you should also consider who will do the coaching. Almost all sports camps are going to include this information on their website or brochure. While a camp run by a recently retired pro or collegiate star may be neat, it doesn’t mean that they are necessarily good at coaching. You are likely going to want someone who has a proven track record of coaching children in various sports for many years.

If you can find a video of the coach or coaches speaking at the camp where they are coaching drills, it may give you a good idea about how they go about coaching campers. Often the website will have links you can follow to see these types of videos.

When it comes to finding a summer day camp in Gaithersburg MD, for young athletes the team here at KOA Sports knows how important it is that you and your child have a great time, and that is why if you have any questions don’t hesitate to reach out today!