Koa Field Hockey Promo Day
Promo Days! - Try us before you buy us!
Are you looking for a new sport for your daughter? New to town, and trying to find a sports league to join? Whatever your reason, we understand that when you’re looking for new activities, it’s nice to have the option to try them out. That’s what Koa promo days are for! Come out and meet the Koa coaches, get a feel for our program, and get a taste of Koa Field Hockey!
At our promo days, players will learn the fundamentals and get to play in a few fun drills and games! We will have goalkeeper equipment for any players who want to try out the goalie position as well!
Most importantly, they will come away with a basic grasp of field hockey and a new found love for a new sport!
Promo Day Details:
Who: K-8th Graders
When: March 16th, 2025
Time: 2:00pm - 3:00pm
Location: Rockville Sports Arena (indoors) 60 Southlawn Ct, Rockville
Cost: FREE
Pre-registration is required
Email: Casey@koasports.org
(301) 229-7529
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