Koa Sports

Kids Activities Bethesda MD | Koa Sports

Kids Activities Bethesda MDKids Activities Bethesda MD

Koa Sports is in the business of shaping the lives of children through kids activities offered at our Bethesda MD location. For those considering whether to enroll their kids in activities, look no further than Koa Sports. Our dedicated staff can help your kids to learn the value of working as a team and building lasting relationships. Aside from the glory that is garnered on the field, enrolling your child in kids activities offered in Bethesda MD can provide your child with a variety of benefits:

The Benefits of Engaging Kids in Activities
According to the CDC, children between the ages of 6-17 should engage in at least one hour of physical activity a day. Because of this, parents of young ones should consider enrolling their kids in activities based in Bethesda Maryland so that they may be able to take advantage of the benefits:

Benefit #1: Physical Activities Are Good for Your Health
Engaging Bethesda MD kids in activities is essential so that they may experience the variety of health benefits that come with it. Because your child’s health is of the utmost importance, you will surely want them to experience all of the health benefits kids activity provides, including:

  • Better Sleep
  • Strong Muscles
  • Reduced Risk of Type II Diabetes
  • Strengthen the Heart

Activities for kids offered in Bethesda MD include summer camps, sports camps, and a variety of team sports, including: flag football, basketball, field hockey and baseball. To learn more, call Koa Sports today.

Benefit #2: Happier Kids
It’s been proven that physical activity leads to an overall improved emotional well being, which in turn leads to happier kids. Engaging Bethesda MD kids in activities keeps them busy, and prevents listlessness. When people are physically active, a chemical called serotonin is released to the brain, helping to stabilize mood, which can reduce depression and boost overall feelings of positive wellness.

Benefit #3: Build Confidence and Self Esteem
As a parent, you want your child to be healthy and well adjusted. Bethesda Maryland activities for kids keeps them striving to improve their overall physical fitness. Giving them the opportunity to build their endurance and see the progress that comes with it, can build their self esteem and confidence over time. When children are able to experience the successes that come with physical activity, they have the best opportunity at becoming driven, confident and successful adults.

Amidst your busy lives, it can sometimes feel challenging to keep your kids active. However, kids activities in Bethesda MD doesn’t have to be complicated. Engaging your child in something as simple as playing catch in the front yard, or going for a walk after dinner can help them to experience some of the benefits that staying active provides. In addition, you may choose to enroll them in the variety of kids activities offered in Bethesda MD at Koa Sports.

Keeping your child active is important for a variety of reasons. Engaging them in activities and team sports can help to shape who your child is as a person. Not only are active children given the benefit of regular exercise, team sports can assist kids in developing key skills like leadership, teamwork and respect. Koa Sports offers a vast array of kids activities in Bethesda MD, for more information, contact us today.