Koa Sports

Field Hockey Ref Signals

Over the past few weeks I have received some parent feedback on how/what the referees are calling during the game.  Here’s a great time to educate our club and rec parents on what each signal means and the situation the foul is committed.

Advancing: Caused when the ball hits off of a girls foot causing an advancement. The ref will point her right hand down toward her foot then place her left arm out in the direction the free hit will be taken from.


High Stick: Caused when a girl has a back or forward swing that goes above the waist and shoulder causing a dangerous stick. The ref will take right hand up over her head and place her left arm out in the direction the free hit will be taken from.

Stick Interference: Sometimes called hacking is caused when a girl is hitting the opponents stick instead of the ball. The ref will take her right hand and make a chopping motion onto her left arm.

Obstruction: Caused when the girl with the ball performs a “block-out” placing her back toward the defender without moving the ball. The ref will put her arms in the shape of an “X” in front of her chest.

Corner: Caused when a foul is committed by a defender inside the circle. The ref will point both arms straight out palms down toward the goal.
