Koa Sports

Multisport Summer Camp Week 7

Mulitsport Camp Week 7: 8/9- 8/13/2021

Koa Families,
As we wind down session seven of Koa Multisport Camp, let’s recap the wide variety of activities campers participated in this past week, including a few new ones that the campers enjoyed. Both the campers and the weather brought the heat this week to Koa Camp!


Campers were back at it for another round of World Cup. This week, camper Olivia found the back of the net for the first time all summer. She enjoys World Cup because soccer is her favorite sport. “Playing World Cup is my favorite because I’ve been playing soccer for a long time and I love scoring goals,” she said.  Camper Marcelo also had a great few games of World Cup, as he scored several goals throughout the week.  Marcelo said, “I love soccer because I get to play my favorite sport with my friends.”

Water Play

WHAT A HOT WEEK! August summer heat is here & our campers were eager to cool off at the Water Play station. Campers had a blast squirting each other with water squirters. New this week; campers got to play sharks & minnows with water ballons. Curious how this game works? Instead of the shark tagging the minnows, the sharks threw water balloons at the minnows. Shark attack!


With the NFL preseason set to kickoff, our campers wanted to transition away from capture the football to a classic game of flag football. It was a high-scoring contest that featured a few spectacular receiving touchdowns, including a diving catch by camper Isaac. 

Whiffle Ball

Coach Jack introduced Wiffle ball on the tennis courts to our Multisport camp this summer and it did not disappoint. The best part about playing on the tennis courts? Campers were hitting the whiffle ball over the fence left and right for home runs. "The offensive fireworks made whiffle ball extremely fun for the campers," Jack said.



This week, Coach Jack played knock out with the campers. He has been with Koa for over 10 years as a camper, then CIT, then a counselor. Camper Dylan and CIT Jake both picked up knockout victories this week. “My win felt pretty good,” Dylan said, “I really like knockout, I think it’s very fun.” Shoutout to CIT Jake who also played a great game of knockout!


Tennis Baseball

A Multisport camp cornerstone, tennis baseball was in full swing again at multisport camp this week. On Thursday, camper Omri had a phenomenal day on the diamond, as his excellent base running and fielding proved to be a big help to his team. “My hitting today was an eight out of ten today, but my baserunning and fielding were definitely ten out of ten,” he said.

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Counselor of the Week: Olivia Michael

Olivia has been with Koa Sports for a long time. She started out as a camper, then became a CIT, and now has been a coach for three years.

“I loved coming here because the community was great and everyone was just so nice,” Olivia said. “I always had a lot of fun.”

At Walter Johnson High School, Olivia played on the softball team all four years and currently attends Mount St. Mary’s University in Emmitsburg, Maryland.

As a coach, Olivia takes great pride in connecting with campers and nurturing their growth as athletes.

“I love seeing them grow over the years, and they’re extremely fun to play with and teach,” she said.

Check Out More Photos From Camp Week 7