Koa Sports

How to achieve your personal Field Hockey goals!

How to Set the Right Goals!

What is your field hockey dream and how do you reach it?? 

Do you dream of making your High School Field Hockey team, being a starter on the Varsity Team by your sophomore year, or maybe being the MVP of your Varsity Team by your senior year? Or, maybe you have even bigger dreams of earning a scholarship to play field hockey in college, or being on the Olympic Field Hockey Team some day in the future?

Whatever your field hockey dreams may be, one thing is for sure – you need to set SMART goals along the way to help achieve these dreams.

What are SMART Goals?

Specific – be specific with what you want to accomplish or achieve
Measurable – establish concrete criteria for measuring your progress
Attainable – when you set goals, you begin to figure out ways to make them come true
Realistic – your goal must represent something you are both willing and able to work towards
Timely – set a time frame, otherwise there’s no sense of urgency to achieve your goal!

This spring is the perfect time for you to set goals and crush them come the Spring, Summer and Fall Season! Let your coaches, parents and friends know what your goals are, so they can help you accomplish them!

Our spring programs begin in less than 2 weeks! Don’t miss your chance to stay active and to play with your friends! Challenge each other to work hard and have fun while accomplishing a new skill or scoring a goal!

 Keep pushing yourself to reach your goals!!



Who will be the 2018 Spring Rec League Champions?!


Each season of rec league in each age division, the players compete on the last day of rec league for the #1 spot!! After 6 weeks of hard work, practice and teamwork, the teams scrimmage each other trying to fight for the win! Join us at rec league, bring your friends and go for the gold!

Good luck to all the players and we hope to see everyone at our spring programs!!

Koa Sports