Koa Sports

Give Yourself a Pat on the Back

Most of us shy away from giving ourselves credit. It’s like we are afraid to celebrate because how others perceive us. Stop you right there; it’s alright to give yourself a pat on the back sometimes! Your coach encourages you, encouraging and advocating yourself is good practice too.

Share your stories and proud athletic moments with loved ones. If a potential goal scorer was denied because you hustled back on defense, or if diving stab to keep a play alive allows your team to score the game winning goal tell your people. Your parents, grandparents, friends, they would like to hear about it! It is important to celebrate hard work and achievement and continue to move the goal post and set new goals, reflecting in the moment is always a good thing. Goal scoring doesn’t happen every 5 seconds in field hockey, a series of plays need to get well and it takes EFFORT!

Even if you took a risk like we talked about last week and it didn’t work out, CONGRATULATE YOURSELF! It’s all about effort. We are proud of you. It’s time for you to be proud of yourself too.
